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  • Amanda R. Garcia

Welcome Bio!

The dreamer behind "Dreamer by Night"


Quick Timeline...

My husband and I met in 2010. I became an R.N. at 23 in 2012. We did a lot of living, loving, and learning. We raised our 2 gorgeous pups. We got engaged in June of 2017 and were wed in November of that year. (Yes…only 5 months to plan our wedding!) We were surprisingly pregnant by February of 2018 and welcomed our first perfect baby girl in October! Needless to say, we took our time and then hopped onto a rocket ship and went full throttle in the last year and a half!


My background...

I was born and raised in a small farm town in central Ca. It has served it’s purpose and I’ve learned to appreciate it for what it is, but I’ve always craved what was outside these walls. (I was always too chicken to leave and make ALL the mistakes). I’m a delightfully moody combination of Irish lass and Latina sass. (=Pain in my husband’s a$$) I’m an only-girl middle child of divorced parents (cue the violins) which sums up a lot of my other character traits. Despite the “broken family”, I have amazing parents and had a wonderfully loving and simple childhood. I’m a tomboy with an eye for the finer things. I’m a plain Jane who suppresses her inner boujee-ness. I’m a progressive who still tries her best to make it to mass every Sunday. I hate to inconvenience people. I love to explore new places, but I haven't even scratched the surface of my travel dreams. My imagination is too wild for my own good. If I could be out in nature 24/7, I would. (However, we started splurging on decent hotels and I do enjoy a good amenity or two). I never pictured myself as a mom, but here we are… 3 months in and I sort of think I was actually made for this!


Why I’m here…

Photojournalism was my first major (12 years ago….whoa). But alas, I couldn’t afford to attend the school I dreamed of and landed on nursing. I’ve always been my own worst critic and never wanted to publish my writings, paintings, or photography. The arts were always more of a therapy for me than even a hobby anyway. But as anyone in the medical field knows, there’s little room for creativity and this mama needs somewhere to vibe and collab and let her inner artsy fartsy out. So fast forward to current day….instagram is basically photojournalism in grid form so maybe it was a good thing I didn’t spend that 100k on Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara! (Who am I kidding? I’d still go if I could). Although I have a ton on my plate, I’ve chosen to serve my creative needs and jump on the blog-wagon! I’m hoping to use this creative outlet to connect with other women, moms, and creatives out there! Let me wrap it up there before I carry on into oblivion. Chat at you all soon!

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